Create an Acceptance Section
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Application Settings > Sections and Questions > Create Section
Create an Acceptance Section for applicants who have been offered an award so they can view the award and complete the section information required to acknowledge their acceptance or denial of the award, to collect payment information, etc.
In the award process, using either Batch Awards or Manage Awards to award your applicants, once you populate the Final Award field in that process, the applicant’s status automatically moves to "Selected For Award." Once that happens, there is a system trigger that automatically displays an Accept button and a Decline button on the Application Dashboard for the applicant. When the applicant clicks one of these buttons, the applicant’s status moves to the next status of either Award Accepted or Award Declined depending on which button they have selected.
Note: The applicant cannot click the button until all questions in the application form have been completed, including the Acceptance Section.
If using the Acceptance Section type it is important to instruct your applicants in the instructions for that section, that once they complete the section and return to the dashboard, they will need to click either the Accept or Decline button. If they do not click those buttons you will not know that they have completed this section without manually viewing each applicant to see if it is completed. However, by using the buttons the system will update their status and you will know that they completed the requirement.
It is not a requirement to use an Acceptance Section, just a suggestion since the buttons are available by default. The purpose of the section is to capture additional data from your applicants when they accept an award.
Important: If you do not use the buttons, you will be responsible for moving the applicant manually to the accept or declined award status using the Change Status process in the Applicant Status report or another report that offers that option. If you never use the Accept/Decline buttons, they can be turned off for the entire site by contacting support to request they be turned off.
To create an Acceptance section:
1. From the Application Settings tab, click on the Sections and Questions menu option, then click on the menu bar. Select Create Section.
2. In the Section Type field, select Acceptance.
3. Complete all other fields, as applicable, and keep in mind that all fields marked with an * (asterisk) are required. (Please see the Add a New Section article for a description of each field.)
4. Once you have created your section, click the Save and Exit button to save your information and you will be returned to the Sections listing for the selected application.
Save – Click this button to save changes but remain on the form.
Exit without Save – Click this button to exit the form and not save any changes made.
Reset Form – This allows you to cancel and reset the form to start over. All information you have entered will be deleted from the form.