Set Section Deadline Options
Home > (Select - Application Name) >Application Settings > Sections and Questions
A section’s deadline determines when the section will no longer be available for the applicants to complete and will be turned off according to the Deadline Date and Deadline Time selected. The Time Zone is for your site, based on the Time Zone set in Administration > Manage Site Settings.
Deadlines can be set according to the following options:
- Inherit from Application - Uses the same deadline date and time as the application deadline. The Deadline Date and Time will automatically be populated with the application’s deadline information.
- Section Deadline - Has a separate deadline than the application and is section specific.
- No Deadline - There is not a deadline for this section.
- Application section types should inherit the deadline from the application.
- Request section types may have a different deadline than the application so as to allow enough time for the requester to complete their information.
- Post Acceptance section types may not need a deadline because the Admin may just monitor that they have been completed and withhold payments if they have not.
- Acceptance section types may have a deadline to accept or forfeit the award. This deadline would be later than the original application’s deadline.
To set a section deadline:
Click the Edit (pencil) icon on the row of the section for which you need to set a deadline.
Locate the Deadline field and select the applicable option: Inherit from Application, Section Deadline, or No. See the descriptions of each option at the beginning of this article.
In the example shown below, Inherit from Application has been selected so the values for the Deadline Date and Deadline Time have been automatically populated from the application.
In the example below, Section Deadline has been selected so you must enter values for the Deadline Date and Deadline Time fields that will apply to this section. You can type the date and time values in the correct format or use the calendar and time icons to select the date and time.
In the example below, No has been selected so the Deadline Date and Deadline Time fields are not applicable and no deadline will be specified for this section.
Click Save or Save & Exit to record your changes.