Question Type - Dependent Dropdown
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Application Settings > Sections and Questions > (Select - Section Name) > Select - Add Question
The Dependent Dropdown question type allows you to build dropdown questions dependent on selections in another dropdown question’s selection. If the applicant selects a value in one dropdown question, then the dropdown list in the dependent question will only show specific items that apply to the value in the originating question.
For example: If an applicant selects the state of Virginia, you can set the City question (if created as a Dependent Dropdown question) to display a list of only cities in Virginia. The City question will display all the applicable cities depending on each separate state selected in the State question.
To create a Dependent Dropdown question type:
1. Select Dependent Dropdown in the Type field and then click the Add Value(s) button.
2. Select the Section within the application that contains the question on which this question will be dependent.
3. Select the Question within the selected Section on which the values for this question will depend.
4. Select the value from the original question for which you will provide associated values in the dependent dropdown.
5. Enter the dependent dropdown label and value in the following format: label~value. Each label/value should be on a separate line.
In the example below, the dropdown question asks for the applicant's state of residence and the dependent dropdown prompts for the applicant's city of residence. The values displayed in the City list are dependent on the value selected in the State question. If the applicant selects AL as the state, then only cities in the state of AL that you have defined here will display.
6. Click Save or Save & Exit to record the changes.
An example of how the dependent dropdown question will display for the applicant is shown below.