Question Type - Payment Gateway
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Application Settings > Sections and Questions > (Select - Section Name) > Select - Add Question
The Payment Gateway question type is used to collect a payment from the applicant for the application form fee. Integration with your payment software is required to use this question type. If you are not sure if this has been integrated, please see your Global Admin or your account representative to have this functionality added to your system.
An example of a payment gateway question as it displays for an applicant is shown below:
Once the applicant clicks the Make Payment button, the screen below will display.
Prior to using this question, make sure you and/or your admin have completed the following setup steps in the order shown below:
1) Enable Application Payments in the Administration > Manage Site Settings > General Settings. This setting enables the Application Form Cost field to display on the General Information setup page for an application.
2) Enter the amount for the application form in the Application Settings > General Information > Application Form Cost field for this application.
Best Practice: We recommend first creating a separate Payment and Signature section so the applicant can view this payment requirement on their dashboard. Please see the Add a New Section article for more details on each field but note the highlighted fields/values in the example below.
To create the Payment Gateway question type:
1. Once you have created and saved the Payment and Signature section, click on the blue link in the Section Name column to open the Questions listing for that section.
2. Click the Add Question button.
3. Define the new Payment Gateway question. An example is shown below. Please see the Create Questions for a Section article for details on each field.
Click Save or Save & Exit to create the new Payment Gateway question.
Please see the Setup the Application Payment Feature article for additional examples and tips.