Add Conditions to a Section
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Application Settings > Sections and Questions > Conditions (Add/Edit)
There may be instances in which you need an applicant to complete different sections of an application that may not be necessary for other applicants. Conditional logic can be set on a section that will trigger it to appear depending on how the applicant answers questions within other sections of the application.
Conditions can be set on a single data value or a combination of data values. When creating conditions, you are selecting the values that will allow the selected section to display in the applicant’s dashboard if the condition is met. Sections that do not have conditions set on them will automatically display.
The first section will not have conditions, as this is the first screen that the applicants will see and it cannot be blocked with conditions. Sections that have conditions set on them will display the Add/Edit link under the Conditions column highlighted in green.
To set a condition for a section:
Click the Add/Edit link in the Conditions column for a specific section.
Section: Select the section containing the question that will trigger this section to display.
Question: Select the question to function as the trigger for this section to display.
Condition: Select the condition of the answer/value that must be met in order for the section to display. Possible conditions include:
Contains - the answer/value contains specific characters.
Starts With - the answer/value begins with a specific character or sequence of characters.
Does Not Contain - the answer/value does not contain specific characters/words.
Is Not Empty - the answer/value is not empty (applicant has answered the question).
Is Empty - the answer/value field is empty (applicant has not answered the question).
Is Exactly - the answer/value must be an exact match with the specified value in the condition.
Is Less Than - the answer/value is numeric and is less than the specified value in the condition.
Is Equal To - the answer/value is numeric and is equal to the specified value in the condition.
Is Greater Than - the answer/value is numeric and is greater than the specified value in the condition.
Is Not Equal To - the answer/value is numeric and is not equal to the specified value in the condition.
Value: Select the answer/value the applicant must provide in order for the section to display. (The value must be entered exactly as it is in the question setup.)
Operator: Use the operator to connect multiple lines of conditions. And means all conditions in the listing must be met in order for a section to display. Or means one of the conditions must be met.
Grouping: This column groups your conditions into sets. You may have several groups of conditions where the first group is executed and then the second group is executed, etc. Assign each of the conditions in a group the same number.
Once you have added a condition line, click the Add Condition button to add another condition, if necessary. Otherwise, click the Save button to save the conditions(s) created and keep the Configure Section Display Conditions window open. Click the Save & Exit button to save the condition(s) created and return to the Section listing. Click the Exit without Save button to abandon any condition(s) created and return to the Section listing.
To delete a condition, click the Delete (trash can) icon on the row of the condition to be deleted. Click Save or Save & Exit to finish deleting the condition.