Upload File - Add a Document to a Question
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Application Settings > Sections and Questions > (Select -Section Name)
If you have a document that may be informational to the applicant to answer a specific question or a template that the applicant can complete and upload for a question, you can attach that document directly to a question. When the applicant views that question, they can click on a download link to access it (i.e., Policy and Procedures, Rules and Regulations, forms to complete, etc.).
Any question except a calculation question can have a document uploaded to it.
To add a document to a question:
Click the Section Name displayed in blue to open the Question listing page.
Click the blue Question name link to open the question details.
To attach a document to a question, you must edit the question in Classic View.
Click the Choose File button and locate the file on your device. The selected file name will display. Click the Remove File button to remove an uploaded file from the question. Click Save or Save & Exit to record the change to the question.