Question Type - Matching Fund Eligibility
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The Matching Fund Eligibility question type is used when you have one application that is used to apply to multiple scholarships. This question must be present in those application forms for applicants to see the funding sources to which they have been matched.
The Matching Fund Eligibility matches applicants to the funds they are eligible for based on their replies to eligibility questions within the application. Depending on how the applicant answers those questions, they are provided a list of Scholarships to which they can apply. They then select or unselect the scholarships they want to apply to from that listing.
Note: Before this question can be used you must first assign the funds to this application in the Manage Application Funds setup (or Manage Common Application Grants if using common application process) and set the individual criteria for each fund under the Manage Funds Criteria Information setup.
When creating your question and selecting the Matching Fund Eligibility question type, the List Funds field will display.
There are two options available for the listing:
All – Shows a listing of all the scholarship funds available for that application and contains only the funds to which the applicant match. However, since all the fund’s display, the applicant has the option to select additional funds if they want to apply to those as well.
Eligible for – Displays a listing of “only” the scholarship funds to which the applicant has been matched. The applicant can unselect any funds they do not want to apply to.
Best Practice Tip 1: Make this separate Eligible Funds Section and the last section. Give the applicant clear instructions to complete all prior sections before selecting their funds. If the applicant clicks on this section before answering all of the appropriate eligibility questions, they will need to continue clicking back to this section to see additional funds for which they are approved. You also can set conditional logic to display this section only after those specific questions have all been answered, but this can get quite lengthy if you have multiple questions that apply.
Best Practice Tip 2: If using this question type, you also can set conditional logic on questions specific to a fund. If a fund requires additional questions, (i.e., Essay Question specific to fund), you can set conditional logic on the additional question to display only if the specific fund is selected.