Question Type - Awarded Scholarship/Grant
Home > Application Settings > Sections and Questions > (Select - Section Name) > Select - Add Question
If selected, this question type will automatically populate the scholarships that were awarded to the applicant in this application process. If there was more than one award given to the applicant, all the names of the awards will display. This can be used as a question in the staff questions for the staff to review or in a post-acceptance section that shows the applicant the awards they have received.
Once the Awarded Scholarship question type is created, the applicant will see the question in their dashboard as shown below:
If there was more than one award given to the applicant, the names of the awards will display.
If this question is present, it can also be used to set conditional logic on other sections or questions that can hide or display if a specific fund was awarded, (i.e., if awarded a specific fund that they need to send a thank you letter for. If the Awarded Scholarship question shows that a specific fund was awarded, then the question to provide an uploaded thank you letter will display.)
Best Practice Tip: When using this question type for the applicant to view, it is best to create a separate section for this specific question and any additional award questions that may apply. This will enable you to control where in the process the applicant will see this section in their applicant dashboard. Create the Section as a section type of “Acceptance” and a Status(es) as “Selected for Award”. Only when the applicant is moved to a status of “Selected for Award” will the applicant see this section automatically in their dashboard. Set a deadline separate from the application as this section will more than likely be completed after the original application deadline.
Best Practice Tip 2: If you award applicants and do not want them to see what they have been awarded before an official announcement, create the section for this question, but DO NOT MARK the Section ACTIVE in the application. Award your applicants first, change their status to the appropriate trigger status, notify the applicants of the award, and let them know in the notification that you will be activating a section for them to complete. Then activate the section by putting a checkmark in the Activate Section column of the Section listing. All applicants at that point that have the specific status that you selected when creating the section will have that section appear in their dashboard, but only once you activate it. So, do not activate until you are ready for those applicants to see it.