Show Sections to Reviewers by Fund (“Show for Fund”)
This function allows the reviewers during the review process to see questions and answers that pertain to the fund they are reviewing. Once the setting is done this capability will allow reviewers to view their assigned Tasks and assigned applicants by the fund.
When a reviewer wishes to review/score applicants by fund they need to access review task(s) on the Review Applicant page.
Step 1: To perform this action, login as a Reviewer, access the assigned tasks, and then select the application form to review or score the applicants. It will display a listing of all the funds assigned for review, along with the number of Applicants assigned to the Reviewer.
Step 2: Click on the Fund name to view the applicants assigned in a specific fund’s task.
Step 3: It will display the listing of all the Applicants for the specific fund’s task assignment. The below image shows all the applicants assigned to the Reviewer for the selected fund’s task, the current Percentage Completed status, the Score given to the Applicant, and the Scoring Comments made for the Applicant.
- Each applicant review percentage is displayed on the screen. This is based on the number of required questions answered by the reviewer.
- If the Global Administrator assigns Bob J. Tandy Scholarship to the Education Information section and the Credit Union Reviewer Scorecard, then reviewer(s) who are assigned to this task can see only the Education Information section.
Steps to setup “Show for Funds”
Activation of this feature requires assistance from CommunityForce Support Team. Once it is activated on your site, it impacts all active/live applications.
Setting the Show for Fund option requires configurations on the Application Section and Reviewer Task screens:
- Step 1: (Home > (Select - Application Name) > Application Settings > Sections and Questions)
- Step 2: Locate the section you want to adjust and click the Edit (pencil) icon on the row of the section you need to change.
- Step 3: Locate the Show for Fund option and click the dropdown list to select the applicable fund(s). Click the box to select a fund for which the section should display. Click the All button to select all funds assigned to the application. Click the None button to deselect all funds assigned to the application.
- Step 4: Click Ok to save the changes.
Step 5: Locate the Question you want to adjust and click the question name for the question you want to change.
- Step 6: Locate the Show for Fund option and click the dropdown list to select the applicable fund(s). Click the box to select a fund for which the question should display. Click the All button to select all funds assigned to the application. Click the None button to deselect all funds assigned to the application.
- Step 7: Click Ok to save the changes.
Next, you will create Reviewer Tasks
Home > (Select - Application Name) > Manage Applications > Reviewer Task Setup > Create Task button
- Step 1: Click the Create Task button to add a new task. You can also create a new task by cloning an existing task.
- Step 2: Enter Task Name
Helpful tips for naming a Task:
- Step 3: Enter Order in which the task is performed during your evaluation process.
- Step 4: Display on Review Reports. This setting defaults to being checked. It determines whether the score for a reviewer task will be included in the average score displayed on the Review Committee Results report.
Helpful tip: If you wish to view the scoring results for each task in the Review Committee Results report, unselect this setting for all tasks except the ones you want to review |
- Step 5: check on Display to Reviewer. It determines whether the task will display on the Reviewer’s dashboard.
Helpful tip: Once your review process is complete, you can unselect this so that your reviewers cannot change their scores at a later time. |
- Step 6: Click on the drop-down of Select Fund. It displays the list of funds that are assigned to this application. Select the applicable fund name for this review task, so that reviewer can see the sections and questions which are assigned to the fund.
- Step 7: Click Save or Save & Exit to create the new task.
Helpful tips: There are several key points that should be considered for the functionality of the Show for Fund feature.