In the Miscellaneous Tab (Misc Tab), you can add a title, description, header and footer to the report, all with left, middle, or right justification. Sharing and Scheduling are the two most popular features under this tab.
Misc tab contents
9.1 Share With & Rights
Share With allows you to share reports with:
- Everyone
- Other roles like Marketing or Sales
- Other users like Bob or Lisa
Your system administrator will likely determine the list of who you can share with that populates in your drop-down menu. Select who you would like to Share With and determine the level of access you will give them to this report. The table below describes the characteristics of each option for selecting the appropriate rights.
9.1.1 Setting Sharing Permissions
The Share With and Roles properties allow reports to be easily shared amongst users and group of users. The values SharedWithValues populate the "Share With" drop-down found on the “Misc” tab in the CommunityForce Business Intelligence Reporting Tool Reports application. The "Rights" drop-down which is next to the "Share With" drop- down allow the user to assign Full Access, Read Only, View Only, or None permissions to the selected choice in the "Share With" drop-down.
Roles on a per-user basis are specified by the CurrentUserRoles properities. If a user is given a role, then he will have access to the reports which are shared with that role.
AdHocSettings.CurrentUserRoles and AdHocSettings.SharedWithValues are per-user properties.
In the example above, Bob is a non-admin user who is assigned to the Sales role, therefore, any reports which are "Shared With" the "Sales" role will be accesible by Bob. Bob will only be able to share reports with the shared with values shown in the sample.
9.2 Drill-Downs
To create a drill-down report, you can start by designing the main report, but in order to be able to select a drill-down report, that sub-report must first have a drill-down key to show up in the selection list. Once the sub-report is available in the selection list for your Sub-Report or Target Report, meaning it has been defined what Drill-down key will link the two reports, you can select you drill-down type.
Design Sub-Report
Click on Advanced Field Settings in Main Report
Select the Subreport
9.2.1 Passing Filters from Master Report to Sub-Report
There is a property that your system administrator can set to allow the filters applied in the parent report to automatically pass through to the child report (master report to sub-report). It is called InheritFiltersinSubreports, and gets or sets the value indicating whether filters will be inherited in sub- reports.
Listed below is an example of where you would set this in the code.
9.2.2 Report Owner: Setting the User and Admin States
You can select the owner of the report. By default, it is set as the DefaultAdministrator. DefaultAdministrator has admin priveleges and will be able to see and change all other users’ reports. In most cases, your system administrator will set this property for you and might even hide it from the scheduler screen.
Setting the user and their access rights
By default, CommunityForce Business Intelligence Reporting Tool Reports includes a user account called "defaultadministrator". The setting "CurrentUserIsAdmin" is used to set whether or not the current user is an Administrator user. If set to true, then Ad Hoc allows the current user to have Administrator privileges. These privileges are the ability to see all reports both shared and private, change the owner of a report, and over write the Read only reports. If set to false, then the user can only see shared reports. In this case, we must also set the "CurrentUserName" property to the user's name, which for example, can come from the session variable.
After setting the user name and whether or not the user is an Administrator, one can set the database, table, view, or field level access.
Setting an Administrator user
C# or VB.NET
Setting the user name
C# or VB.NET